Survivor Donation Policy.
Thank you to everyone for offering, or considering offering, a direct donation to a survivor of Organized Extreme Abuse (OEA). Even a small gift has a big impact, because along with helping to solve an urgent need, it changes the survivor’s experience of the world. Instead of being chronically attacked or unseen by society, your gift shows a survivor of organized abuse that they matter, they have always mattered, and at least one other person or company - who doesn’t even know them nor want anything from them - acts to say “I care about you.”
This is deeply healing, because it tells the survivor: Not everyone is bad! The world can be kind!
Gifts received during desperate times helps to remedy the deep abandonment pain that all survivors carry. ❤️ We welcome individual and organizational funders. All donors are automatically granted a free “Angel-Ally” membership in SOAAR Global, PMA. If you give us your contact information, we will thank you directly. Let us know if you want to be listed as a sponsor of 5forFreedom! If you give anonymously, may your gift be returned to you as many times as you can receive it!
I have seen survivors’ lives completely turned around from one donation. Your action can inspire their own self-care in a new way. It can change an outlook from despair to hope, and from shame to a spark of self-esteem. It really helps!
So how do 5forFreedom donations work?
We use an online gift giving platform called Throne. Our page is here: This web service enables us to list survivors and their needs on a wishlist without revealing their addresses, to protect their safety and anonymity. We have SOAAR Global volunteer-members who work on the front-lines with survivor-members who are facing crises, like active abuse/trafficking, harassment, homelessness, child endangerment, and other emergencies. That’s how we develop each “need ticket.” See image above for the inspiration.
Once a donation is received designated for a survivor we’ve vetted and know is legit, it is forwarded directly to them. Throne takes a small administrative fee, which we are glad to see them have, as their website makes this possible. We keep no money from this exchange, but our hearts are full of wonder at the generosity we get to see and share.
We have tried other ways to make this work through our foundational organization, SOAAR Global, PMA, which stands for Support for Organized Abuse and Addiction Recovery, and it was rewarding! However the system was cumbersome, so we decided to move this part of our service to this website and use Throne for donations. So far it’s working well, and we feel deeply grateful to put resources in the hands of those in desperate need.*
*We have received and offered over $25,000 in financial and material support for members between 2023 and present, thanks to generous donations, which have included:
car repair
emergency housing (less than a month)
temporary housing (2 - 6 months)
barter services for housing
help to resolve legal debt
vocational/professional equipment
startup funds for new business
food & water
artist grant for artistic development
medicine and health supplements
haircuts, clothing
coaching sliding scale or free
no cost inpatient healing intensive - 1 week
grants to United Intentions Survivor Scholarship Fund
—Thank you again from me, Anastasia Sprout, founder of 5forFreedom and SOAAR Global, PMA, and from our whole team at SOAAR Global. We celebrate every single gift!
When I was overwhelmed with memories and crises in my early recovery as a survivor of OEA in 2001, I was amazed and healed by the generosity that was shown to me! I received a cash grant that paid for one year of therapy with an experienced cult deep deprogrammer, money for a place to live for almost a year, money for utilities I could not afford, free food at a neighborhood food bank, clothes from a church, and the donation of a car! Without these gifts I would have been homeless, stuck with cumbersome bus transportation in a city with limited bus services, and far worse off. I want to enable other survivors of OEA to be helped as I was. This is a tremendously gifted population, and once they get momentum towards their healing, the whole world benefits! 🙏🙏🏻🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿